You'd think that having the summers off would ensure I'd have plenty of time to keep up with my blog, but somehow the days just slipped right into one another. I have no excuses other than I have been veging out in front of facebook, shopping online (more on that later), catching up on cleaning, and who knows what else. I have been staying up way too late and need to get myself back into a normal routine. We have done a lot of running around but nothing too productive. Every summer I tell myself that I am going to take the girls to the pool, library story times, parks, picnics and other fun activities, but like all the other summers of summers past, I didn't keep my word. Pool visits: 0 (unless you count the blow-up pool out back), story times: 0 (but we did go to the library once), park visits: 0 (does our backyard count?), picnics: 1 (on the beach), zoo trips: 1 (our membership expired). I a bad mommy?? I guess out trips to Siesta Key, Disney World, Amelia Island, and Atlanta; extra snuggles in the morning; walks around Easton; splashing in our 10 foot pool; and watching the girls play so nicely together all count for something right?
"So what about this shopping online thing?" you might be wondering. Well, I have been introduced to a few Persnickety resale pages (thanks a lot Amy B!!) and had the opportunity to buy a few things as well as sell some stuff...ok more buying than selling. (I also got $110 for clothes I took to OUAC.) After looking at some of the cute dresses out there, I decided that I could make my own, since that is all the girls want to wear these days. I bought some inexpensive fabric and made a few pillowcase dresses for them in addition to buying some more quality fabric online for next spring and summer ($225 worth...shhhhhh don't tell my husband!) But, I can get multiple dresses for both girls out of it and won't have to buy any clothes next year. OK, so maybe I'll buy a few things. :)
Was I frugal this summer? Nope. As a matter of fact, I have been terrible. Daycare costs start back up next week, so I need to get my butt back into saving mode!'s been fun PayPal!
How's my No Yelling commitment going? Another fail, my jar still stands empty. I can't seem to get to ten straight days and have to start all over. Guess I'll just toss the summer out the window and start over. Tomorrow begins another new day.