
Sunday, May 26, 2013


No, I haven't gotten eaten by my students, but I have been super busy with them, hence the reason for my absence.  This time of year is always crazy busy with assessments, trying to get caught up on grading and squeezing in any last minute instruction that I haven't gotten to yet.  I am quite pleased to say that I am in pretty good shape this year.  I haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to other areas of my life other that trying to enjoy my free time with my own kiddos.  My garden is coming along, however, my tomatoes are a bit weepy, my lettuces haven't really grown that much and my strawberries haven't emerged yet (bought them as roots in a package, so maybe that's my first mistake).  On the upside my zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, peas and blackberries are all looking good!


Last fall I was dreaming through the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and came upon an awesome lunch box (Planet Box) that contains a metal insert that has multiple compartments and small lidded containers.  It would eliminate the need for baggies and washing multiple glass containers every day.  However, with a $70.00 (yes, I typed that correctly) price tag, I decided I could handle washing a few containers.  Well, last night we were at the mall, and I decided to stop in PBK (I had a $50 gift card) and wouldn't you know, there were a few Planet Boxes left that had been marked down to $48.  I know, not really a bargain, but when I think about the money I will save over the years on baggies, time saved on dishes (the insert is dishwasher safe) and benefits to the environment, I think they will be worth it.  So, got two of them.  I also found these "lunch skins"--dishwasher safe, reusable snack bags.  Olivia is quite excited to start Kindergarten so she can use her new lunch bag.  I'll let you all know how it works out.

Today I went to Whole Foods again, yes, I know....but I wanted to get everything I would need snack-wise to take on vacation with us.  The girls picked out all sorts of nuts, seeds and dried fruits for trail mix and other healthy snack items to take along.  I managed to stay under $200.00, and I shouldn't have to go to the grocery again for the rest of the month.  I also managed to make my weekly loaf of bread and another batch of pitas yesterday.  I can't believe I ever thought I wouldn't have time for bread's so simple and so much healthier.  Anyone tried it yet??

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