
Monday, July 1, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Before leaving for Florida three weeks ago, my garden was becoming quite a disappointment.  My blueberries never flowered, my raspberry plant never leafed, the tomato plants weren't growing and were turning yellow, and my strawberries never came up.  The only things that were doing somewhat ok were the cucumbers, zucchini, and melon plants but they still weren't anything to brag about.  We got quite a bit of rain while gone and my wonderful neighbors watered on days we didn't get rain.  Boy was I shocked when we got home!  If you remember, I posted these photos a little over a month ago, and to tell you the truth they weren't much different three weeks ago:
Zucchini (right) and cucumbers 
Watermelon and Cantaloupe

This is what I came home to:
Zucchini, cucumbers, lettuces
Cantaloupe and Watermelon

Tomatoes sprang back to life

Baby watermelon!
Baby cantaloupe
Cucumbers (looking a bit more like caterpillars)
Every few weeks I feed them a liquid plant food but other than that I haven't had to put anything on them.  My only concern is my zucchini.  It is flowering but once they bloom, the flowers die and fall off, not seeming to produce any fruit.  Anyone know anything about zucchini?  

Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have some lettuce and blackberries to harvest.  Happy Gardening!

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